Take our tour and see how we can help YOU make your customers happy.

Your contact's details on one single page

A contacts page contains all contact details, notes, emails, documents and the upcoming tasks.
Contact details zoom in a CRM
Contact details zoom in a CRM
Every person has such a page so you and your colleagues will always find all the relevant details. Start your free trial.
Adding a note is as easy as pie. Your emails will automagically be added to your contacts page.

Your contacts: classified by tags, ready for your next sale

A handy list of all your contacts.
Contact list in a CRM
Contact list in a CRM
Added once, you may easily choose from your existing tags and categorize your customers easily. Start your free trial.
Filter your contacts by tags or custom fields in order to start your next marketing or sales activity.

Scheduling, assigning and finishing tasks has never been easier

Never miss to follow up on time again. We've got your back.
Tasks in a CRM
Tasks in a CRM
Keep an eye on your upcoming tasks and collaborate with your coworkers. Start your free trial.
Easily access your colleagues tasks.

Never miss an opportunity ...

We'll keep you posted on your latest deals.
Tasks in a CRM
Tasks in a CRM
Just as with contacts, you may use tags in order to categorize and filter your deals by product type or customer group. Start your free trial.
All pending deals including the probability and volume.

... WITH all the important FACTS at hand

Due date, volume, probability on top the page.
Deal details zoom in a CRM
Deal details zoom in a CRM
Your notes, emails and status changes line up at the bottom of the page. Start your free trial.
Relevant notes, emails and documents such as proposals and invoices available for your whole team.

CentralStationCRM is well known from these fine magazines.

Chip Online Logo
MM Logo
Mac Life Logo
SalesBusiness Logo
t3n Logo
Brandeins Logo
Handelsblatt Logo

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