Attention and Structure

With CentralStationCRM your client relations finally get the attention and structure they deserve.
Contact details, requests or important notes don’t disappear in dusty folders anymore but are now right at hand, when you need them. Or even better, a clever CRM system notifies you automatically, when it is the right moment to give your prospect a call.

In CentralStationCRM all your client data is stored in one central place, so you don’t have to run through different lists, e-mail programs or address folders anymore. At a glance you see contact details, notes, e-mails, dates and tasks. Your sales and marketing teams can access and share all information for best possible collaboration. With this CRM system internal communication is no dead end anymore, everyone is up to date.

To group customers and to target your marketing efforts, CentralStationCRM makes it easy to filter your clients with just a few clicks. A good overview over your data is the base of a solid CRM. Especially small companies can take advantage of the fact, that the relationship to their customers is often much more personal. A good CRM systems helps you to leverage on that and to differentiate from your competitors.

But what are the most important features of this CRM system?.

The lean and easy to use CRM system for small companies (sme)

Our CRM system is different in its scope and range of functions from other CRM solutions. We want the user to benefit from a reduced and simple interface, instead of multiple features you only need every once in a while.

In place of controlling functions and several key figures to manage a sales-team, we count on collaboration, transparency and team-work.

A CentralStationCRM Network.

When you consider the communication to your customers not as a one-way street and want to focus on the relationship instead of numbers, CentralStationCRM is the right CRM system for you.

Organize your Leads, Tasks and Opportunities

CentralStationCRM supports you to organize and maintain your contacts.

Besides contact details, the CRM system includes e-mails, internal notes, tasks and much more for you and your team.

The lean interface makes it easy to organize your daily work, no matter if this means to acquire new leads or to document the latest actions with your regular clients.

With CentralStationCRM, reaching out becomes easy.

The centralized data storage saves you a lot of time, which you would otherwise need to check several sources and files like e-mail accounts, taskmanager or folders. The whole team works always on the right files, no more “which excel-file is the latest version?” or “where do I find the client’s invoices?”. It is always there, on one single page in your CRM system.

In CentralStationCRM you can tag your contacts or leads with keywords which makes it easy to filter for certain criteria like the industry, the area or the channel. Precisely targeted e-mail campaigns are set up within minutes. The same works for opportunities or projects. But no worries, CentralStationCRM is a CRM system for small companies, so it doesn’t overload you with reports, dashboards or pipelines which might be useful for big corporates, but not for sme’s. We help you to easily understand what works in your company and what is about to go wrong

One CRM System for all Operating Systems and Devices

A CRM System has to be more than just maintained, it must be available every day, 24/7 if you need it. CentralStationCRM is fully web based, which means it doesn’t matter if you log in from your desktop pc at work, your Macbook at home or your Android smartphone on the way to the office. You have always access to your contacts and files - and these are always the “right ones”, which means the latest. The same applies for your e-mail program or your operating system. CentralStationCRM runs on Windows and Mac and works perfectly well with Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail or Gmail. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection. Using a CRM system can be that easy.

10 reasons for CentralStationCRM

  1. CRM Software especially made for small companies (sme)
  2. Simply to use, no need to be an IT expert
  3. Web based, no installation required
  4. One central data storage, works with Mac and PC
  5. Very affordable - the perfect match for startups and freelancers
  6. High data privacy standards - Data storage in Germany
  7. Mobile version for smartphones or tablet PCs
  8. No long-term contracts, no “lock in”
  9. Easy data migration in and out
  10. First class support with no extra costs
Adventure Beyoond!

What our customers say about CentralStationCRM

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The right package for every need

For the beginning
100 MBfiles
For small teams
1 GBfiles
Small Office
Most popular plan
3 GBfiles
For small companies
6 GBfiles
For all SMBs
15 GBfiles