Meet some of our amazing customers.

Small and medium sized businesses having fun talking and engaging with their customers.

Kiebitzberg Gruppe

Florian Lewerken

‘If you can't understand a CRM system within half an hour, like CentralStationCRM, then it's too complicated.’

Monkey Security
Monkey Security

Jessica Braun

‘The structure is easy to understand, simple to use and an excellent partner for our customer management. Worth mentioning is the free version of the software and the fantastic support. For us, CentralStationCRM is an perfect addition to our sales organisation. Thank you CentralStationCRM!’

Michael Schmid
RTA Design

Michael Schmid

‘We are delighted to have found a simple and uncomplicated CRM in CentralStationCRM that meets our requirements exactly. In particular, the fast and personal contact with the team is probably unique among software manufacturers.’

Matthias Häming, Vallée und Partner
Vallée und Partner

Matthias Häming

‘CentralStationCRM gives us a direct and fast access to customised information from our customer database. The tool is user-friendly and easy to learn how to use.’

Angelika Eder, TrainerLotse

Angelika Eder

‘From a sales perspective, you simply have the smartest CRM by far. Thank you so much!‘

Dirk Haverkemper
PI Company

Dirk Haverkemper

‘The best thing about CentralStationCRM is that the user doesn't have to be persuaded to use it. They use it on their own will because it is so simple and comprehensive.‘

Christin Träger

Christin Träger

‘Lean, intuitive solution that thinks of everything with the integrations and the API and makes many things possible. Insanely fast and competent support!‘

Martin Gompelmann
Hennes' Finest

Martin Gompelmann

‘For us as a start-up It was important to use a solution that we could find our way around straight away and that wasn't too complex. We wouldn't use hundreds of features. We'd rather have a few functions, but they're functional and well thought out.‘

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