All articles regarding "crm" within the CentralStationCRM Blog.

Articles tagged crm also deal with sales, acquisition, marketing, sme, telesales, and customers.
Ordered by creation date. Reorder by popularity.
CRM as a source of revenue - realistic or not?

CRM as a source of revenue - realistic or not?

"378.6 percent more sales through the introduction of CRM software, the customer is the focus, 360 degree perspective, blah, blah, blah.  The phrases that jump out at you in often mercilessly SEO-optimized articles are tiresome. Yet they are repeated like a mantra.

Benefits of CRM for your business

Benefits of CRM for your business

Customer relationship management plays an increasingly important role in small and medium-sized companies. This quickly raises the question of the benefits of such software. What does a CRM system like CentralStationCRM do for my company? The short answer: quite a lot. This article gives you a more detailed answer.

5 types of customer acquisition

5 types of customer acquisition

Winning new customers and animating existing customers to rebuy is vital to any business. But how to acquire customers? We'll show five types of customer acquisition and explain how they'll work out.